Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Two timing

I'm not new to blogging.  I have another blog on blogger that I've kept for about a year and once it started to grow I became intimidated.  I didn't want to blog whatever happened to be on my mind at the moment because my followers had developed expectations from me.  Followers can be fickle and I'm okay with that.  I can be fickle at times too, like now, I want to be anonymous and say whatever I want whenever I want.  It's funny, on my other blog, when I would go a while without a new post, family members would assume hubs and I were having marital problem or something terrible and secret was going on...heh, heh.  I love to keep 'em guessing.

I don't know where this blog will go.  My other blog went in a direction I didn't expect so we'll see.  How about I start with an introduction.

I'm new to WordPress and I'm confused by it so far, but I'll learn.  I'm also a wife to one very hardworking, loving, christian man and I'm a mother to our five children ages 11 years down to 9 months.  I homeschool them and we homechurch...for now.  That's a challenge and we'd love to find a good local church that's for real.  A year ago tomorrow we bought some land (five acres) and started building a little house with cash which means it's not finished and may never be but I think that's better for us right now than a mortgage. Speaking of money, we are those people who are fully expecting the U.S. dollar to crash very soon which leads me to what I think this blog will be about.  Homesteading.  I named the blog "Trailblazer homestead" because we've never had any experience with homesteading of any sort except for the two tomato plants I grew from seed in my suburban back yard two years ago.  We're growing and changing and learning all the time, little by little.   We now have two goats, sixteen chickens and a 25X25 foot garden. 

[caption id="attachment_8" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="This was just after we finished the fence earlier in the spring. The garden is now bounding with big green vegetable plants"][/caption]

We had rabbits for about a year and a half, but grew tired of them and once we got move out onto our land we decided we were ready for something new. 

Tonight, as a matter of fact, we got our first to goats...kiko's to be exact.  Two bucks that have just been weaned so we'll see what happens with that.  They're in a good sized goat pen right now browsing the wild raspberries and weeds.  I just hope they don't get out. 

[caption id="attachment_7" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The goat on the right is our chihuahua who's meeting one of the fellas for the first time."][/caption]

We'd like to get a calf soon, but we need to put up more fence first.  Hubs is also bringing home an incubator so we can hatch some more chick's. 

We currently have ten laying hens that give us six to eight eggs a day which just isn't enough for us.  We also have one big rooster and five up and coming laying hens.  I'd love to eat lots of eggs (and onions) for breakfast most mornings, but I'd need a dozen plus a few for other recipes like our Rocky yogurt smoothies.  They have frozen fruit, stevia, vanilla and raw eggs mixed in with the yogurt and they.are.awesome!  Yum!

I've become obsessed lately with the current U.S. and world economic situation.  I'm, of course, worried about our well-being a little, but mostly I've become consumed with preparing for the worst as best we can.  We aren't rich by any means but we are working as furiously as we can to get ready for this world depression that's predicted to be worse than the Great Depression.  We're not able to stock up on huge amounts of gold and silver and we don't have a nice family farm that's been functioning for years and years.  In fact, our extended families think we're a bit on the overzealous, excentric side but I love them anyway.  We've been trying to convince them that the world is coming to an end as we know it and they should sell all their stocks and cash in their bank accounts and cd's exchange for gold, and food stores.  They either don't think it will be that bad and they'll be fine because they have plenty of money and this is America...OR they think this has been predicted in the bible and they won't be here to suffer through anything that's coming. 

That leads me to this...I am a christian but I don't anticipate Armageddon and the reign of the antichrist in God's temple...hmmm....if the Jew's rebuilt the temple, God's temple, would they go back to animal sacrifices???  And this would be seen as God's temple?  I don't think so.  Then we're supposed to believe the antichrist...(Satan incarnate?) will come and set up camp in God's temple???  Ahem.  I think not.  And don't try to tell me it's in the bible.  I know what's in the bible and I happen to see that the "end times" coincide with history and the fall of Rome and have come and gone.  Yes, I'm a preterist.  Look into it if you want to know more.  My only point is, I'm getting ready for a depression that is without a doubt already here for so much of the world and it's coming for us too.  I can only hope that my Savior will come get me first, but I'm not banking on it.

I am all over the place, but that's okay.  It's my blog.

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